Planning Policies
Municipal Development Plan
A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) outlines and communicates the long term desired land use for the Village of Hughenden. It shows how our community will change and move forward. The MDP helps and guide decision makers about they make decisions regarding the physical setting of the village. It directs future decisions regarding publicly and privately owned land. The Village of Hughenden updates its MDP in 2020. The plan can be found in the link below.
Land Use Bylaw
Village of Hughenden’s Land Use Bylaw No. 413 works in tandem with the MDP to guide the direction the village would like to take in terms of land use and development. The bylaw regulates and controls the use and development of land and buildings within the municipality. The goal of the bylaw is to achieve orderly and economic development of the land. A full copy of the bylaw can be found in the link below.